Line Challenge #maths #perseverance

Learning Intention:

A-     Growth mindset, aim high

S- making links, absorption, perseverance

K- angles, navigations, measurement

Success Criteria:

  • I have done my best attempt at the one metre line challenge.
  •  I have written co-ordinates (instructions) for my line
  • I have labelled and identified all the angles in my line.



Using only one A4 page of your maths book mark two random points (on a grid line not in the middle of a square), label one point ‘start’ and the other ‘finish’. 

  • Your challenge is to rule a line to connect these two points that is exactly one meter long.  No line used within the one meter can be the same length.  Lines must be full centimetre lengths (eg. 3cm not 3.5cm).
  • Using a protractor write a set of navigation instructions for a classmate to follow (for example: travel south-east 4cm).  Note: 0 on protractor must always point north.
  • No line can be the same length.
  • Explore the angles your one meter line has created.  How many different angles do you have?  Measure and mark in the angles on your line.
  • Want another challenge? Create another one meter line – this time your lines within the total do not need to be full centimetres (for example 3.5cm, 6.8cm).



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