
Learning intention:

We will be making links to our prior learning about the issue of homelessness to help us with today’s learning task.
We will be stretching our empathy muscle by putting ourselves in the shoes of someone who is experiencing homelessness.

Success criteria:

  • I have made links to our prior learning about the issue of homelessness to help me with my responses today.
  • I have stretched my empathy muscle, putting myself in the shoes of someone who is experiencing homelessness to try and understand their situation from their perspective.
  • I have aimed high with my responses, ensuring I have included paragraphs to separate my ideas.
  • I have aimed high with my spelling and punctuation and have read back through my piece to ensure it makes sense.
  • My initial ideas have been elaborated so that my paragraphs are of an appropriate length (approximately 5 sentences per paragraph).




Homelessness Causes
What causes someone to become homeless? Brainstorm as many reasons as you can. – 5 minutes

How would it feel?
Make a list of words that describe how you think it would feel to be experiencing homelessness. – 5 minutes

Response to Negative Opinions
How would you respond to somebody who expressed a negative opinion about homeless people? Write down what you would say to them. – 15 minutes

Share time: – 5 minutes

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