BODMAS #orderofoperations


Lesson 1:

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use BODMAS to help us to solve problems that incorporate more than one operation.

Success Criteria: 

I can use efficient written methods to solve and record answers to problems.
I can apply efficient strategies to help me solve problems. I can show and explain my reasoning.
I have persevered when the going gets tough and approached the problems with a growth mindset.
I asked clarifying questions when I wasn’t sure.
If I made a mistake, I analysed my mistake so that I could learn from it.


B – Brackets

O – Order or Power (numbers with powers or square roots),

D – Division

M – Multiplication

A – Addition

S – Subtraction

If problem has both multiplication/division or addition/subtraction we solve from left to right.

(3+4)x6 =
7x(9-3) =
(60 ÷ 10) – 8 =
27 ÷ (81 ÷ 9) =
Challenge: 33x(9-6)+7=


Workshop: BODMAS with Miss Mac


Independent practise:
BODMAS dice game

Set up board or paper like this:

________  x ( _______ +________ ) – ________ x ________

Rubbish bin: __________ & __________

  • In pairs, choose a target number. It can be different for each round.
  • Roll a die 7 times, place each number wherever you would like to choose in the above set up.
  • Two number can be discarded in the rubbish bin.
  • Solve the problem according to BODMAS.
  • The learner with the answer that is closest to the target number wins.

Challenge: Change the board set up to make it more challenging.


Turn and talk to the person next to you, were you productive today? Did you use your learning time wisely? Using your thumbs how confident are you feeling with BODMAS now?

Lesson 2:

Learning Intention: We are stretching our meta learning muscle (Knowing yourself as a learner, choosing the correct level of challenge for yourself). We are learning/revising Order of Operations (BODMAS).

Success Criteria: 

I know that when solving an equation with multiple operations included, you need to follow the BODMAS rule.

I know myself as a learner, I chose an appropriate level of challenge for myself on IXL or I chose to join the workshop Miss Mac was running.

This learning is portfolio evidence. Can you identify which goals you have collected evidence for? Sam and I can sign these goals throughout and at the end of the lesson.


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