Typing #computerskills #ICT

  Learning Intention: We are strengthening our skill of typing efficiently. Success Criteria: We understand the importance of typing efficiently and the need to strengthen this skill. Practise:  https://sense-lang.org/typing/tutor/test.php https://www.kidztype.com/browse-typing-games.html Typing Factory https://games.sense-lang.org/EN.php    

Real stories from street children from across the world #Zimbabwe

Lesson 1: Reading Learning Intention: We are learning to identify how authors create meaning. Success Criteria: I can identify who is narrating and why the author chose that. I can identify the genre of the book and justify why the author chose this. I can evaluate the ending of a story and whether it achieved … More Real stories from street children from across the world #Zimbabwe

Vertical addition and subtraction #practicezone

Warm up: Build it Up https://nrich.maths.org/10592 Learning intention: Attitudes – great sportsmanship Skills – collaborating, reasoning Knowledge – estimating and calculating addition and subtraction equations Success criteria: Today we are in the practice zone, we are revising the efficient strategy of vertical addition/subtraction whilst playing a Maths game. We have shown great sportsmanship whilst collaborating, … More Vertical addition and subtraction #practicezone


Learning intention: We will be making links to our prior learning about the issue of homelessness to help us with today’s learning task. We will be stretching our empathy muscle by putting ourselves in the shoes of someone who is experiencing homelessness. Success criteria: I have made links to our prior learning about the issue … More Homelessness

Dialogue Punctuation #writing #editing

Learning intention: We will be making links to prior learning as well as stretching our noticing muscle whilst revising and practicing correctly punctuation dialogue. Success Criteria: Mild: – Quotation marks surrounding dialogue Hot: – Quotation marks surrounding dialogue. – First word within the quotation marks to have a capital letter. – When a new character … More Dialogue Punctuation #writing #editing

Reading #inferences

  Learning Intention: A: Curiosity, Perseverance, Growth Mindset S: To ‘read between the lines’ of an image/text to understand things that aren’t specifically stated. To provide reasons, evidence, arguments, explanations for the inferences we make. K: We know what an inference is and can give an example of one.   Success Criteria: I can explain … More Reading #inferences

Reciprocal Reading #groupwork #homelessness #awareness

Learning Intention: Attitudes: Aim High, Respect Skills: Collaboration, Predicting, Questioning, Summarising and Clarifying. Knowledge: Monitoring reading comprehension.   Success Criteria: I ensured that I, and all members of my reading team, listened carefully to others without interrupting and also contributed to the discussions using exploratory talk. I aimed high with my reading role to ensure … More Reciprocal Reading #groupwork #homelessness #awareness

BAN the BORING! From drab to fab #writing

Ban the boring – Analysing and critiquing boring (drab) sentences and converting them to interesting (fab) sentences!   Learning Intention: A – Aiming High S – Analysing, critiquing. K – Converting ‘drab’ sentences into ‘fab’ sentences.   Success Criteria: I can identify drab sentences. I can explain why ‘banning the boring’ is an important writing … More BAN the BORING! From drab to fab #writing

Vertical Addition and Subtraction #maths #fun

Lesson 1: Learning intention: A – Growth mindset, aiming high S – Capitalising on resources, collaboration, absorption K – Addition, answering open   Success Criteria: I asked clarifying questions when I wasn’t sure. If I made a mistake, I analysed my mistake so that I could learn from it. I didn’t give up, I stuck … More Vertical Addition and Subtraction #maths #fun